So the “actual” ads are finally here. So far three have been made available to the public with many more to come.
#3: Not Alone
- Albert
The Official Hewsoft Blog
So the “actual” ads are finally here. So far three have been made available to the public with many more to come.
#3: Not Alone
- Albert
So the “actual” ads are finally here. So far three have been made available to the public with many more to come.
#2: Stereotype
- Albert
So the “actual” ads are finally here. So far three have been made available to the public with many more to come.
#1: Pride
I think it’s a great and not “big guy picking on the little guy” way of portraying the real side of the PC: billions of people connected and enabled. Of course, some of them do have glasses too. Haha.
- Albert
Okay, so after finally calming down after all the excitement, here it finally is: a full screenshot-powered run through of what is the magical experience of Zune 3.0 software. But first, a list of all the new amazing stuff in Zune 3.0 software and firmware:
Okay, so for all you folks out there needing a hand with the Zune 3.0 software upgrade installation, here's my guide.
1. Launch Zune software.
2. Click on the Settings link on the top right.
3. Under "Software" go to the General tab.
4. Under "Software updates" check on "Check for updates." Once update is found, click on "Update Now."
5. It will begin preparing your computer for the installer.
6. It will launch the installer. Accept the terms.
7. Finally click on Install to begin the installation.
8. The update should jump to the final step, "installing the zune software."
9. Close the installer once it is complete and launch the Zune software via the new icon on the desktop.
10. The new Zune 3.0 software loads.
11. You should attempt to sign in to accept the "updated terms of service."
12. Next, after you have signed in, it's time to update your Zune device. It can be the Zune 30, Zune 80, or Zune 4/8. Zunes 120 and 16 should already come preloaded with the new device firmware. Connect your Zune media player while Zune software is up and running. Windows will detect it as a new device.
13. You Zune software should detect the old firmware of the Zune media player and display the following screen. Click on Install. Make sure you leave the box checked to have games installed on your Zune.
14. The software will quickly download the updated Zune 3.0 firmware to your Zune and begin an updating process on your media player in which the screen will continue to turn on and off. Leave it plugged in. Do not press anything. This is all normal. You should see the following as this occurs.
15. You will receive the following success screen once your Zune media player is updated to firmware 3.0.
16. And finally, you should be able to see your Zune. Yep, Albus after Dumbledore ;p
Congratulations! You have just updated your Zune software and Zune media player to version and firmware 3.0. Welcome to the social!
- Albert
OK, first let's get the naming clear. Microsoft seems to be using 3 different names for this service as of right now: "Hotmail for Windows Mobile," "Windows Live Hotmail for Windows Mobile," and finally "Windows Live for Windows Mobile." I am yet to find out which name has been used for the most recent publishing of the application, but I would go with "Windows Live for Windows Mobile" because of the "About" screen for the actual application.
The application (which includes Hotmail and Spaces features, but not Messenger) has been available since June of this year, but until recently have I begun to notice links to it across Windows sites. In my case, I spotted it on the Windows Mobile "Total Access" site and here's the link story.
First noticed it on the "Download for Windows Mobile" page on the "Total Access" site.
So that takes us to "Windows Live Hotmail for Windows Mobile" page (already we note a name difference).
There we find the link to (to download via the device) which really forwards us here and gives us two options of the software: Pro and Standard.
After downloading and installing it, we get the "About" screen, which might point us to Microsoft's real naming of the application as "Windows Live for Windows Mobile."
I'm currently going to test it out on my Windows Mobile 6.0 (6.1 is going to be available to us soon, yay!) powered AT&T Tilt and I will get back to you guys with my take on it.
- Albert
It was recently brought to my attention by a friend that E! had done some reporting on the upcoming Disney movie, "Another Cinderella Story," and talked about a Zune being part of the plot. After looking through some videos, I found out that instead of dropping her glass slipper, like in the original Cinderella story, she drops what appears to be a key chain and a Zune MP3 player. The following clip is the most I have found on the topic, so if anyone has any other information, make sure to drop a comment.
Video clip from the movie: fast-forward to 2:00 min.
- Albert
Watched this last night and thought Tina Fey had done a great job. Just wanted to share it with all of you.
- Albert
Was just browsing around the Zune Press site when I stumbled across their Press Resources page and found the following screenshot of the Zune 3.0 software for the Marketplace Videos section. What became of particular interest to me was the new and updated "pink dancing cloud" ( ,
Here is the current "Pink Dancing Cloud"
Here's the Zune 3.0 "Cloud" (pink only no more)
^ My hope on the new "Dancing Cloud/Waves" is that it will be a lot more responsive to the music playing and people are actually able to notice it.
I also noticed that the background they used for the Zune Marketplace Videos screenshot was noticeably different from any of the ones included in the current Zune software. There is one that is very similar, but the color and design is actually different. Here, take a look:
Current Zune background (whole)
Zune 3.0 Background (whole)
Current Zune Background (close-up)
Zune 3.0 Background (close-up)
^ They are certainly not the same one, and the new Zune 3.0 one does not look any closer to any of other current Zune backgrounds. So this is definitely a sign that new Zune backgrounds are coming our way! Hopefully that, and the availability of changing the color scheme for the background.
Keep your eyes peeled people...I know mine are.
- Albert
This is the complete, uncut version of the #2 ad from the Gates/Seinfield marketing campaign for Windows. On TV, it will air in two parts. The first part aired today on CBS' "Big Brother" and the second part will air tomorrow on "Ghost Whisperer."
Watch the video:
Apart from the length, I think this is a bit better than "Shoe Circus," even though I personally enjoyed the first one. However, according to Mary-Jo Foley, Microsoft is promising to have the next set of ads, which will air within days, to be a lot more Windows-consumer-focused. That is good news because one more set of these, and the public might reach their attention span limits.
- Albert
In a series of Zune 3.0 demonstrations, we find the following very cool intro and closing Zune logo animations. The video plays the intro animation, then the closing, and repeats the order but in slow motion, only to experience the awesomeness even further. Enjoy!
Watch the video:
- Albert